
Columbia County FL Solar Panel Installation For Businesses

Columbia County FL Solar Panel Installation & Design for Businesses

Many Columbia County FL companies have decided to go solar. Surprisingly enough, most have also decided to go with a lease or power purchase agreement over a cash purchase. Usually this is due to the fact that leases and power purchase agreements typically come with services for maintenance, monitoring, insurance, and parts replacements, while cash purchases do not. While a homeowner might have the time and energy to deal with a broken panel or inverter (either of these situations can shut down the solar system entirely), as a business owner, you do not. Reducing your energy costs as well as recouping savings is easy with solar, leaving you to make a larger profit for your business.



Solar Bulb

Getting A Consultation For Your Designs

As with residential solar, the most important aspects of getting solar for your business revolve around the company you go solar with. These consultations allow you to find out the “fine print” so to speak and figure out how one company compares to another in the services they will offer after the panels have been installed. Also, there are a number of different pricing plans available depending upon the Columbia County FL solar company you are speaking with.

You will want to see if your property is in prime location for gathering sunlight unobstructed by shade. All you have to ensure is that you have the space from morning until evening to gather the sunlight. This can either be a rooftop or a large spot of land to install a ground mount onto. There will be different qualifications in terms of the minimum installation solar companies will perform. The larger the company, the larger their requirement is.

The consultation will accomplish both tasks above, getting information/pricing and finding out if you qualify to go solar.


Using Solar Energy Commercially

These can reduce help the carbon footprint of your business overall, as they allow you to reduce your annual emissions. There are also government rebates and incentives available for businesses using renewable energy in Columbia County FL.

As most businesses have large pieces of real estate or land, solar is an ideal form of clean energy. Both rooftops and land can be used to install solar onto for businesses, however rooftops are preferable due to requirements and restrictions for ground mounts.

Solar Bulb

What Size Is Your Business?

Firstly you will need to look at the size of your operation, as this will determine how large your solar system will need to be. Your bills are the best way of getting an idea of this as they can give you a clear idea of how much electricity your company uses. You can also call the utility company and ask for the last 12 months of Kilowatt usage. The Columbia County FL solar company you sit down with will need this information to determine how many panels will need to be installed.

Many solar companies in Columbia County FL will conduct an initial audit to see whether solar panels are right for your business and if your business qualifies. This is typically the first step on your way to getting the ideal provider. You may want to research different Columbia County FL solar companies as you can find which one(s) you feel most comfortable with.